Casa Graziella

Borgo di Mazzano Romano


How many guests can Casa Graziella host?

Casa Graziella may hosts 4 people. In the lower floor there is a king-size sofa bed, in the upper floor there is a bedroom with a double bed.

I cannot find your exact address in Google Maps or in my navigation system

The "Borgo di Mazzano Romano" is made up of small alleys all close together. The closest place to set is Piazza Umberto I, it is located just a few steps from our Vicolo.

Can I park my car close to the house?

The Borgo di Mazzano Romano is a historic place accessible only by small cars, because its access is possible through a very narrow passage. However, it's possible to park outside the Borgo and reach the house in a few minutes by foot.

Is there GSM coverage for calls or use of 4G networks?

The GSM / 4G signal of the various National Telephony Operators within the Borgo is relatively poor. The very thick stone walls also limit the signal very frequently. At Casa Graziella, the operator presenting an acceptable signal at the moment is WindTre.

    Casa Graziella Mazzano Romano

    Vicolo del Montarello 10 - 00160 Mazzano Romano (RM) - ITALIA

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